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Rebecca Welzenbach

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Rebecca Welzenbach
Contact: Website
I empower scholars to create the conditions under which they can establish:

* a strong public identity,
* a coherent account of their contributions to the scholarly enterprise,
* and a persuasive body of evidence for the impact of their work within the academy,
...and for the public.

I can answer questions about and provide training on the following tools and topics: Altmetric/Altmetric Explorer, bibliometrics/citation analysis, Dimensions,, Michigan Research Experts, research impact metrics, and establishing and maintaining a public scholarly profile.

I'm also always glad to talk about open access, repositories, copyright and licensing issues, etc., as they pertain to making your work more discoverable, usable, and impactful. 

My Guides

Last update: Jan 3, 2022 165 views
Last update: Dec 14, 2023 467 views
Last update: Jul 7, 2024 303 views
Last update: Dec 11, 2023 2543 views
Last update: Jun 28, 2024 34917 views
Last update: Jun 1, 2023 133 views
Last update: Jun 18, 2024 133 views

My Subject Specialties

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