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U.S. Census Bureau (year data was published). Name of data or report. Retrieved from [URL].
Chicago Style 16th ed.
United States Census Bureau. Name of Table. Data.Census.Gov <URL> (The date the Table was generated)
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The 2020 Census is part of the decennial census program mandated by the US Constitution. The decennial census is used for apportioning Congressional seats, as well as many other purposes, such as demographic research, allocating funding, and informing public policy. The 2020 questionnaire is short, covering these topics:
The ACS is an ongoing sample survey which began in 2005. Questions asked cover:
•family and relationships
•income and benefits
•health insurance
•veteran status
•where you work and how you get there
•where you live and how much you pay for some essentials
•and other topics related to people, households, families and housing
The Household Pulse Survey began in 2020 to measure how the coronavirus pandemic and other emergent issues are impacting households across the country from a social and economic perspective.
The HPS also asks about core demographic household characteristics (including sexual orientation and gender identity), as well as the following topics: